Friday, April 30, 2010

Shakira calls on Congress to take action and pass Immigration Reform

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I transcribed Shakira's remarks from yesterday--the day that she arrived to speak out against SB 1070. Below is my first attempt at transcribing remarks.

"I'm not an expert on constitution or law, but I do know the constitution states that every human being living in a country should be protected by the government--with or without documents. We are human beings, with or without papers and we need to be treated like human beings.

If they're listening to be in Congrss, I want to send a message to all the Congressmen and Congresswomen who have such an important impact on the lives of our community and the lives of everyone in this country because laws like this one can be really dangerous and impact negatively, society generally. Laws like this one won't create safey or progress. Laws like this one will create division and resentment. That's not what America needs. America needs prosperity and that can only be the result of hard work. And how can we work hard if our dreams are crushed?

This nation, from what I understand, has been forged by the dreams of immigrants like all of you! And that's what makes this nation great, cause America is a great country and I'm sure that most Americans out there don't approve of this law. I'm sure that this is just a few people that are very scared because in times of economic crisis people get scared and people like to blame the problems on others. But you know what? Latinos are not here to take away job opportunities, no. Because Latinos are a working force, people who work long hours, people who have work ethics and when you have a working force like this one, that is the foundation of any economic, strong economic system when you have Latinos working hard and motivated and encouraged you have a nation of great economic prosperity that will generate job opportunities for ALL Americans. That's the way I see it. I'm sure that's the way Mayor Gordon sees it as well and, all of those people that believe in human rights.

I know that being detained in the street for the color of your skin is not only unconstitutional, but it is also a violation of human and civil rights. So people in Congress, please address this bill, address the immigration reform, we need it urgently! We need everyone in this country to be protected by the government.

I just met with women who have been suffering from violence, domestic violence and abuse and they’re scared because if this law becomes active, when it takes effect, these women won’t have protection from the government and that is just wrong! We need to think about all those women. We need to think about people who just need the protection of government; who need access to hospitals, state hospitals, to child and food programs and all of that will be denied when this law takes effect and that’s why we are here--to resist, to oppose ourselves to it and also to send a message to people in Congress to please act urgently, please address the immigration law reform. It’s needed, as President Obama has said many times, it’s needed for the better and for the good of everyone in America.

I think no person should be detained for the color of their skin. No Latino, no Black, no Jewish, nobody. And you know what? If the law was active today, I could be taken away to jail up to six months because I didn’t bring my drivers license. I didn’t bring my drivers license. I’m here pretty much undocumented, so this sheriff—what’s the name of this sheriff?—Sheriff Arpaio is he gonna come and arrest me now Sheriff Arpaio because I didn’t bring my documents! It’s crazy. It is crazy! And I know Americans are good people. What this nation stands for is for freedom and individual liberties and protection and equal opportunities for everyone and that’s the America I love! So bring some compassion in your hearts people in Congress and just look at us. We’re good people and we’re here just to make this place better. Thank you so much.

Y a todos ustedes solamente quiero decirles que permanezcamos unidos ahora mas que nunca los latinos tenemos que estar protegiendonos unos a otros, queriendonos mas que nunca ¡y que nadie nos quite la moral porque los latinos valemos mucho! Asi que mantener esos espiritus arriba. ¡Los quiero mucho! Gracias."

Posted via web from Inside Reform

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