Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona as the Oxygen Mask for CIR

Let's face it, Immigration Reform was an issue that only the brave dared speak of even 1 week ago. Almost everyone believed that this issue was dead and that only a miracle could revive it. Then Governor Brewer did what many expected of her--she signed SB 1070 into law. Little did she know as she finished her last stroke of her signature on the bill that what she was in fact doing was putting the oxygen mask back on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. She awakened people from all walks of life who can clearly see the many reasons why SB 1070 is a hateful, xenophobic throwback to the painful history of this nation.

Gov. Brewer awakened the business community. My day began at 4:45AM as I participated in a live radio interview with Mi Gente of Norson Multimedia back home in North Carolina. I informed people back home of what the climate is like here on the ground in Arizona. I commented on the generosity and deeply kind hearts of the people of Arizona. The radio show host asked about my blog site and I mentioned that I'd love to post video but that my laptop is too slow. Just then, as the lines were opened to questions from listeners a gentleman said that he is a business owner and that he would pay for half of the price of whatever laptop that would allow me to post videos. He said he could even partner up with others to pay for a laptop entirely! I was floored once again by the generosity of our supporters and allies.

Gov. Brewer awakened non-Latino immigrants. Today, I ran out of clean clothes and decided to wear my new freebie tshirt from American AppareI that reads "Legalize Arizona: Immigration Reform Now!" I went about my day spending a good part of it running errands. A blonde, white woman came up to me at Kinko's and commented on my shirt and asked where she could find one. She proceeded to say "I want one because I'm Canadian and I know I would never get stopped even though I'm an immigrant. I believe this is a horrible and stupid law." She proceeded to reveal how she has children who are bicultural--half Canadian and half American--and how she wants them to understand their privilege and stand in solidarity with this movement.

Gov. Brewer awakened people of conscience.
I also went to rent a cargo van and as my coworker, Jorge, also wearing the "Legalize Arizona" shirt (it was a coincidence we wore it on the same day) and I walked into the doublewide trailer office he mentioned that perhaps we would be out of place with our attire. Nevertheless we went in and after a while, as we walked outside to inspect the van, the sales rep said that he really liked our shirts. Jorge and I chuckled and confessed that we had just been commenting on how we felt we'd be out of place in their office because of our shirts. The sales rep replied that most people in the office would probably not like our shirts but that he thinks that the law is awful and doesn't do anything to solve immigration problems. I confess that I really didn't expect this sort of reaction or even support from the sales rep and am glad that my own stereotypes are being challenged.

We are fortunate to already count on the support of many allies, but in just one day I realized once more how huge this movement is and why, with the support of these individuals and hopefully YOUR support we can continue to move forward in passing Comprehensive and Humane Immigration Reform! Let me know what kinds of actions you plan on taking in the next 48 hours at

Posted via email from Inside Reform

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