Friday, April 30, 2010

Shakira calls on Congress to take action and pass Immigration Reform

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I transcribed Shakira's remarks from yesterday--the day that she arrived to speak out against SB 1070. Below is my first attempt at transcribing remarks.

"I'm not an expert on constitution or law, but I do know the constitution states that every human being living in a country should be protected by the government--with or without documents. We are human beings, with or without papers and we need to be treated like human beings.

If they're listening to be in Congrss, I want to send a message to all the Congressmen and Congresswomen who have such an important impact on the lives of our community and the lives of everyone in this country because laws like this one can be really dangerous and impact negatively, society generally. Laws like this one won't create safey or progress. Laws like this one will create division and resentment. That's not what America needs. America needs prosperity and that can only be the result of hard work. And how can we work hard if our dreams are crushed?

This nation, from what I understand, has been forged by the dreams of immigrants like all of you! And that's what makes this nation great, cause America is a great country and I'm sure that most Americans out there don't approve of this law. I'm sure that this is just a few people that are very scared because in times of economic crisis people get scared and people like to blame the problems on others. But you know what? Latinos are not here to take away job opportunities, no. Because Latinos are a working force, people who work long hours, people who have work ethics and when you have a working force like this one, that is the foundation of any economic, strong economic system when you have Latinos working hard and motivated and encouraged you have a nation of great economic prosperity that will generate job opportunities for ALL Americans. That's the way I see it. I'm sure that's the way Mayor Gordon sees it as well and, all of those people that believe in human rights.

I know that being detained in the street for the color of your skin is not only unconstitutional, but it is also a violation of human and civil rights. So people in Congress, please address this bill, address the immigration reform, we need it urgently! We need everyone in this country to be protected by the government.

I just met with women who have been suffering from violence, domestic violence and abuse and they’re scared because if this law becomes active, when it takes effect, these women won’t have protection from the government and that is just wrong! We need to think about all those women. We need to think about people who just need the protection of government; who need access to hospitals, state hospitals, to child and food programs and all of that will be denied when this law takes effect and that’s why we are here--to resist, to oppose ourselves to it and also to send a message to people in Congress to please act urgently, please address the immigration law reform. It’s needed, as President Obama has said many times, it’s needed for the better and for the good of everyone in America.

I think no person should be detained for the color of their skin. No Latino, no Black, no Jewish, nobody. And you know what? If the law was active today, I could be taken away to jail up to six months because I didn’t bring my drivers license. I didn’t bring my drivers license. I’m here pretty much undocumented, so this sheriff—what’s the name of this sheriff?—Sheriff Arpaio is he gonna come and arrest me now Sheriff Arpaio because I didn’t bring my documents! It’s crazy. It is crazy! And I know Americans are good people. What this nation stands for is for freedom and individual liberties and protection and equal opportunities for everyone and that’s the America I love! So bring some compassion in your hearts people in Congress and just look at us. We’re good people and we’re here just to make this place better. Thank you so much.

Y a todos ustedes solamente quiero decirles que permanezcamos unidos ahora mas que nunca los latinos tenemos que estar protegiendonos unos a otros, queriendonos mas que nunca ¡y que nadie nos quite la moral porque los latinos valemos mucho! Asi que mantener esos espiritus arriba. ¡Los quiero mucho! Gracias."

Posted via web from Inside Reform

Shakira Pic

Shakira-yes, THAT Shakira, came to town to speak out against SB 1070. With her heart in her throat as she discussed the inhumanity of this law she challenged ("what's his name?", the crowd followed the prompt yelling "Arpaio!") to arrest her. "I don't have my license with me, so come on arrest me!" 


-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Posted via email from Inside Reform

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Arizona as the Oxygen Mask for CIR

Let's face it, Immigration Reform was an issue that only the brave dared speak of even 1 week ago. Almost everyone believed that this issue was dead and that only a miracle could revive it. Then Governor Brewer did what many expected of her--she signed SB 1070 into law. Little did she know as she finished her last stroke of her signature on the bill that what she was in fact doing was putting the oxygen mask back on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. She awakened people from all walks of life who can clearly see the many reasons why SB 1070 is a hateful, xenophobic throwback to the painful history of this nation.

Gov. Brewer awakened the business community. My day began at 4:45AM as I participated in a live radio interview with Mi Gente of Norson Multimedia back home in North Carolina. I informed people back home of what the climate is like here on the ground in Arizona. I commented on the generosity and deeply kind hearts of the people of Arizona. The radio show host asked about my blog site and I mentioned that I'd love to post video but that my laptop is too slow. Just then, as the lines were opened to questions from listeners a gentleman said that he is a business owner and that he would pay for half of the price of whatever laptop that would allow me to post videos. He said he could even partner up with others to pay for a laptop entirely! I was floored once again by the generosity of our supporters and allies.

Gov. Brewer awakened non-Latino immigrants. Today, I ran out of clean clothes and decided to wear my new freebie tshirt from American AppareI that reads "Legalize Arizona: Immigration Reform Now!" I went about my day spending a good part of it running errands. A blonde, white woman came up to me at Kinko's and commented on my shirt and asked where she could find one. She proceeded to say "I want one because I'm Canadian and I know I would never get stopped even though I'm an immigrant. I believe this is a horrible and stupid law." She proceeded to reveal how she has children who are bicultural--half Canadian and half American--and how she wants them to understand their privilege and stand in solidarity with this movement.

Gov. Brewer awakened people of conscience.
I also went to rent a cargo van and as my coworker, Jorge, also wearing the "Legalize Arizona" shirt (it was a coincidence we wore it on the same day) and I walked into the doublewide trailer office he mentioned that perhaps we would be out of place with our attire. Nevertheless we went in and after a while, as we walked outside to inspect the van, the sales rep said that he really liked our shirts. Jorge and I chuckled and confessed that we had just been commenting on how we felt we'd be out of place in their office because of our shirts. The sales rep replied that most people in the office would probably not like our shirts but that he thinks that the law is awful and doesn't do anything to solve immigration problems. I confess that I really didn't expect this sort of reaction or even support from the sales rep and am glad that my own stereotypes are being challenged.

We are fortunate to already count on the support of many allies, but in just one day I realized once more how huge this movement is and why, with the support of these individuals and hopefully YOUR support we can continue to move forward in passing Comprehensive and Humane Immigration Reform! Let me know what kinds of actions you plan on taking in the next 48 hours at

Posted via email from Inside Reform


I feel that between yesterday and today something has changed dramatically in the movement for immigrants rights and that we will soon reach the tipping point! Despite feeling disconnected from how the narrative of what is happening here in Arizona is being shared at the national level by media outlets, it is clear that at least the ground work is swelling with each passing hour and this energy is proving to be epidemic across Arizona, the nation and now even internationally!

Little did I know on Monday morning as I sat in my hotel room writing my blog entry, that with each word that I typed, a high school and even middle school student was taking a step towards the State Capital building. By the time that I finished writing and fantasized about what to do with what was supposed to be our slow morning, I received a call from our Field Director saying that students had reached the Capital building and had mentioned that others were participating in yet another student walkout!

By the time that I reached the Capital building students kept pouring in. In total we may have had about 100 students. Impressive for an impromptu walkout and again, proving that they are eager to take action not only to undo SB 1070 but to push for humane and fair immigration reform. I asked the students how they coordinated their walkout that morning and they enthusiastically replied "texting!" I asked why they were there and overwhelmingly they replied that it was because of their fear that their families could be separated from them. One student said, "I'm here because most of my family can't be here--they are illegal."

My colleague and I divided the task of engaging the students while they were there and figuring out from them what their proposed course of action would be. As organizers sometimes we find ourselves trying to keep up with the community and this is exactly what happened at the beginning of the week. Eventually the students gave us their ideas of actions they want to take including: lobbying, community meetings and spreading information in their communities. I was impressed with the students that showed up. They came with signs, video cameras, backpacks loaded with snack and with a fighting spirit!

Today, this scenario repeated itself but there was a twist. This time we had an important item that we needed help from the students and community. The City Council was going to take a vote in the early afternoon on whether the city attorney could prepare to file a lawsuit against SB 1070 on the grounds of it being unconstitutional. Students and community members marched to City Council and held a prayer vigil in front of the building taking refuge in the shade. The meeting began 45 minutes late and finally Mayor Gordon mentioned that they would not have a hearing but that he would move forward with filing the lawsuit since it is within his authority to do so. The room errupted in cheers mostly! Immediately the room emptied. Outside, students and community members alike celebrated this victory.

Posted via web from Inside Reform

Tuesday, April 27, 2010