Saturday, May 1, 2010

Strength in numbers

On the most perfect spring afternoon, 10,000+ Arizonans rally in unity on May Day demanding SB 1070 to be repealed. Thousands of families arrived, many with strollers and mini activists in training, to stand proud as Arizonans demanding the same rights be afforded to every member of their (often) mixed status families. 

Simultaneous actions occurred, with volunteers registering new voters, immigrants sharing personal stories of their struggles, community members signing up to spend the night at the prayer vigil and others conceiving the thought of taking the next step toward civil disobedience.

If each person present at this sacred gathering, and every car full of allies driving by blasting their horn, takes action-even if by inviting another person of conscience to take action-we will certainly prove that we have strength in our numbers and that we will be victorious in defeating SB 1070.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre

Posted via email from Inside Reform