Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Saturday, February 20, 2010

One Night In Raleigh

Her are a few snapshots of Raleigh on Saturday night.


Posted via email from waldes's posterous

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dorothea Dix

This is a house on the premises of Dorothea Dix. It is a mostly closed down mental institution (is that politically correct term?). If I recall correctly from my 8th grade social studies class 100 years ago Dorothea Dix thought that mentally ill people should be treated humanely. And this was a novel concept since for 1000s of year crazy people were just locked up dungeon style. Well now this place is run down and only a few buildings remain in use. But it is a fantastic huge plot of land just outside of downtown Raleigh with trees so large it takes two people to hug them. A couple years ago I think there was some controversy as to whether this place should be turned into a commercial shopping center or a state park. It was funny because I a lot of people had NO TO DIX or VOTE DIX signs and bumper stickers. I don't know how I feel. I am honestly conflicted because it is beautiful there, but if I could get to Walmart 2 minutes faster that would vastly improve the quality of my life. Seriously though I think it should be a park, but as a compromise at least build a grocery store there and no not a Food Lion. I work downtown and live within a mile of this place. I think more people should live closer to where they work and drive less. But in my opinion one of the biggest problems with living in or near downtown Raleigh is that there is no grocery store for miles. In conclusion am partly for and against DIX.

Posted via email from waldes's posterous

Testing one.. two

Hello my name is Jonny and for about a year I have been interested in photography. I don't ever print my photos because I am cheap, and I hardly upload them to facebook or do anything with them at all because I am lazy. So I figure that I need to have a blog because there is no point in my pursuit of truth and beauty through taking pictures if they are just bits and bytes sitting on my hard drive.
Also up until now I have sworn off blogging, twitter and I hardly use facebook because.... I need to be careful what I say here.... honestly because I am a snob. And I like to think people who use them a lot are whacked out in their brain and don't know how to communicate normal ne mo lol. But more and more I find my self saying things that make me feel like an old geezer and I am only 27. So as well as sharing my pictures I hope to express my opinions and try out the social media cluster conundrum.